Home Page / Excerpts from Rywka’s Diary (chronologically)
Rywka Lipszyc was born as the first child of Yankel and Miriam. The Lipszyc family lived on Południowa Street 43 (now Rewolucji 1905 Street)
Esther – Rywka’s youngest sister was born. She is called by her nick-name Tamarcia on the pages of Rywka’s diary
The Lipszyc family is forced to move to the ghetto. They live on Wolborska Street 22
Karta meldunkowa Rywki Lipszyc z getta łódzkiego, źródło: Archiwum Państwowe w Łodzi, zespół: Przełożony Starszeństwa Żydów w Getcie Łódzkim,Rywka’s father dies in the ghetto as a result of serious lungs disease and injuries after he was beaten up
Orphaned Lipszyc children get adopted by their aunt and uncle. Rywka and Tsipora live with their aunt Hadassah, uncle Yohanan and their three daughters – Esther, Mina and Chana, at 38 Wolborska Street
Rywka’s siblings Abram and Esther, along with their uncle Yohanan are deported from the ghetto during „Wielka Szpera”. Rywka and Tsipora remain in the ghetto
Rywka, Tsipora and their three cousins, Esther, Chana and Mina get deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau. Tsipora is murdered in the gas chamber.
Rywka, Esther, Chana and Mina are transferred to Christianstadt labor camp (sub-camp of Gross-Rosen)
Rywka, Ester and Mina are liberated by British troops in Bergen Belsen. Chana dies on the day of liberation
lista wyzwolonych więźniów z obozu Bergen Belsen. Na samym dole widnieje nazwisko Rywki Lipszyc. Źródło: CegeSoma, Centre for Historical Research and Documentation on War and Contemporary Society.Ester and Mina are evacuated from Germany to Sweden. Rywka’s health condition does not allow her to travel with her cousins
Rywka is listed among the patients of hospital in Niendorf in Northern Germany
lista pacjetów przysłanych na dalsze leczenie do szpitala w Niendorf 23 lipca 1945. Widnieje na niej Rywka Lipszyc. Źródło: ITS Digital Archive, Bad ArolsenThe last document relating to Rywka Lipszyc – a Displaced Person registration card issued in Bergen-Belsen hospital, with Rywka’s own signature on it. Rywka’s fate remains a mystery to this day
Ostatni zachowany ślad po Rywce Lipszyc. Karta rejestracyjna DP (displaced person) czyli osoby „przemieszczonej”. Tym mianem określono osoby wyzwolone znajdujące się poza swoją ojczyzną. Źródło: ITS Digital Archive, Bad Arolsen,